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Justice and Peace


Immigration is a complex issue with overlapping and intersecting concerns encompassing basic human rights, injustice, persecution, life-threatening insecurities, simple cultural misunderstandings and more.

Immigration does not happen in large numbers when things are going well in a native country. It is a sign of need and often a collective cry for help. We do not accept the politicization of this issue in our country and are working to change this through information, education and social action. We also look at the etiologies of immigration so that root causes can be addressed, where possible, and people can enjoy the security they deserve wherever they choose to live.

As Marists, we take a global view...

We are deeply focused on the causes of migration and the protection of human dignity for immigrants here in the United States.

The Marists of the U.S. Province came to the United States to minister to immigrants on the move who speak other languages, and it has been part of our history since our arrival in the United States in 1863. We minister to Haitian, Caribbean, Filipino, and Hispanic people across the United States.

It is no wonder then that we have become so increasingly aware of their vulnerability with respect to their immigration status. We follow the lead of the U.S. Bishops in seeking a humane and consistent immigration policy for the United States but cannot be blind to the painful human needs and social situations of our immigrant brothers and sisters, especially the children fleeing so much violence in Central America.

We share with you here the opportunity to join your voices with the call of the U.S. Bishops, the religious congregations of the U.S., and so many other groups in making immigration reform and procedures more humane.

“So we as Marists are happy to be able to set as a priority for us this ministry that is not at all new to us except for the language and culture.” (Fr. Ted Keating, SM)

Prayer for Our Immigrant Brothers and Sisters

(Source: Pax Christi)

Blessed are You, Lord Jesus Christ.

You crossed every border between Divinity and humanity to make your home with us.

Help us to welcome you in newcomers, migrants and refugees.


Blessed are You, God of all nations.

You bless our land richly with goods of creation and with people made in your image.

Help us to be good stewards and peacemakers, who live as your children.


Blessed are You, Holy Spirit.

You work in the hearts of all to bring about harmony and good will.

Strengthen us to welcome those from other lands, cultures, religions, that we may live in human solidarity and in hope.


God of all people, grant us vision to see your presence in our midst,

especially in our immigrant sisters and brothers.

Give us courage to open the door to our neighbors and grace to build a society of justice.

