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Annual Fund

What is the Marist Annual Fund?

The Annual Fund is where our fundraising plan meets the needs of the Marist Strategic Plan for Sustainability and Action for each year. During a briefing by the Marist provincial and his Council, we are apprised of the fundraising priorities for that year and we synchronize our Annual Fund to meet those needs. The Annual Fund anchors our yearly fundraising activities, ties them to the Priorities of the Province, and acts as our overarching strategy rather than one fundraising campaign.

Please refer to our What You Support section to see our fundraising priorities.

Why give each year?

Because the Marists need you to help us continue into the future. Some may feel that a $25, $100 or even $1,000 gift won’t matter much. Nothing could be farther from the truth. For the Marists to keep momentum and accomplish transformational goals in their projects, we rely on the generosity of all our friends to make a gift of any size every year to help advance our mission.