An electronic newsletter published by the Province Communications Office twice a month.
A magazine published three times a year by The Marist Fathers and Brothers of the US Province.
Solemnity of the Most Holy Name of Mary
As we celebrate this feast day of the Holy Name of Mary, let all Marists “bear in mind that they belong by a gracious choice to the family of the blessed Mary, Mother of God, from whose name they are called Marists, and whom they have chosen from the beginning as their model and their first and perpetual superior.” (Society of Mary Constitutions, #228)
Happy Feast Day to all!
Pope Francis’s September Prayer Intention
For the cry of the Earth
Let us pray that each of us listen with our hearts to the cry of the Earth and of the victims of environmental disasters and the climate crisis, making a personal commitment to care for the world we inhabit.
Let us pray for the cry of the Earth.
If we took the planet’s temperature, it will tell us that the Earth has a fever. And it is sick, just like anyone who’s sick.
But are we listening to this pain?
Do we hear the pain of the millions of victims of environmental catastrophes?
The ones suffering most from the consequences of these disasters are the poor, those who are forced to leave their homes because of floods, heat waves or drought.
Dealing with the environmental crisis caused by humans, such as climate change, pollution or the loss of biodiversity, begs responses that are not only ecological, but are also social, economic and political.
We must commit ourselves to the fight against poverty and the protection of nature, changing our personal and community habits.
View the September Prayer Intention Pope Video – a global initiative to disseminate the Holy Father’s monthly intentions (Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network).