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St Peter Chanel Portrait_Marist School_AI
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Marist Laity 17 Sept 2022_8
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NDV_8th Retreat 2024
NDV_8th Retreat 2024
We, the Marist priests and brothers, are members of the Society of Mary, an international religious congregation in the Catholic Church. We are men called to ‘be’ Mary - thinking, judging, feeling, and acting as Mary in all we do. Marist priests and brothers have been called by a “gracious choice” into the family of Mary.

A magazine published three times a year by The Marist Fathers and Brothers of the US Province.

“All to God’s greater glory and to the honor of Mary,the Mother of our Lord, Jesus Christ.” (Fourvière Pledge, July 23rd, 1816)

On Jul 23, 1816 twelve Marist aspirants climbed the hill of Fourvière overlooking the city of Lyons to the ancient chapel of the Blessed Virgin.

Here, for centuries, Catholics had sought the intercession of Mary for their future dreams.

The youthful group solemnly pledged to establish the Society of Mary as soon as they could….

We are grateful for your prayers and continued support of the Society of Mary (Marists).

Happy Birthday St. Peter Chanel, born this day in 1803!

St. Peter Chanel …. Pray for us

For the pastoral care of the sick

Let us pray that the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick grant the Lord’s strength to those who receive it and to their loved ones, and that it may become for everyone an ever more visible sign of compassion and hope.

This month, let us pray for the pastoral care of the sick.
The Anointing of the Sick is not a sacrament only for those who are at the point of death. No. It is important that this is clear.
When the priest draws near a person to perform the Anointing of the Sick, it is not necessarily to help them say goodbye to life. Thinking this way means giving up every hope.
It means taking for granted that after the priest the undertaker will arrive.
Let us remember that the Anointing of the Sick is one of the “sacraments of healing,” of “restoration,” that heals the spirit.
And when a person is very ill, it’s advisable to give them the Anointing of the Sick. And when someone is elderly, it’s good that they receive the Anointing of the Sick.

View the July Prayer Intention Pope Video – a global initiative to disseminate the Holy Father’s monthly intentions (Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network).